22 February 2008

What will they do if...? By Renata

1- If Zamith doesn't have any homework he will go to the cinema, but Marta will play Wii.
2- If the weather's bad Zamith will stay at home, but Marta will study.
3- If a friend invites Zamith and Marta to go to the cinema after school both will accept the invite.
4- If Zamith's and Marta's family asks them cook super tonight both will cook.
5- If Zamith can't sleep, he will count chickens, but Marta will go drink water and watch TV.
6- If Zamith forgets the bag, he will go to the police, but Marta will buy a new bag.
7- If Zamith and Marta find a purse in the street, both will stay with the purse.
8- If Zamith and Marta classmate wants to copy work after class, both will leave.

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