26 February 2008

What will happen if...? By Marta

If João doesn't have any homework tonight he will play Wii but Renata play computer.
If the weather's bad at the weekend João will do his homework but Renata will stay at her home.
If a friend invites will go to the cinema after school both will acept the invite.
If the family asks João will cook tonight, he say the family are die but Renata say the family are crazy.
If João can't sleep tonight he will eats lot of candies but Renata will read and watch TV.
If João forget your bag when you go home today he will buy a new bag but Renata will scream.
If João finds someones purse in the street on the way home he will take a money, but Renata will stay with purse.
If a classmate wants to copy João's homework he will ask a classmate if he have money, but Renata will leave.

22 February 2008

What will they do if...? By Renata

1- If Zamith doesn't have any homework he will go to the cinema, but Marta will play Wii.
2- If the weather's bad Zamith will stay at home, but Marta will study.
3- If a friend invites Zamith and Marta to go to the cinema after school both will accept the invite.
4- If Zamith's and Marta's family asks them cook super tonight both will cook.
5- If Zamith can't sleep, he will count chickens, but Marta will go drink water and watch TV.
6- If Zamith forgets the bag, he will go to the police, but Marta will buy a new bag.
7- If Zamith and Marta find a purse in the street, both will stay with the purse.
8- If Zamith and Marta classmate wants to copy work after class, both will leave.

What will they do if...? By João

If they don't have any homework tonight Guilherme will watch tv and Pedro will play pc.
If the weather is good ,Guilherme will watch tv and do the homework and Pedro will play pc.
If a friend invite Guilherme and Pedro to the cinema they will answer "yes".

15 February 2008

Homework for Friday 15th February

Go to this site: http://www.britishcouncil.org/kids-games-matching-environment.htm
Play the game.
Come back here and write a comment to tell me what you thought!
Enjoy! Jessica.